
We offer an extensive range of the highest quality premium teas, both single estates sourced from tea growing regions around the world and exquisite flavoured blends made by hand in our factory in Edinburgh. 

Are you interested in creating your own brand, looking to source teas in bulk or looking for a co-packer? Visit our White Label website to find out more.

Become a Stockist

Chinese Gong Fu Tea Private Tasting Experience

Japanese Tea Private Tasting Experience

Scotland’s Tea Heritage Tales and Tasting Experience

Our Shop Is Reopening on 30th June 2020

As we all know, the past weeks have been really hard on everyone

At the start of the lockdown it was a scary time for Esther and I and the staff at PekoeTea because we really didn't know what was going to happen.  Having lost a very large part of our trade overnight we were not sure how we would survive.  Fortunately the government stepped in and we have been able to weather to storm.

But most importantly, you as our customers have been absolutely amazing.  The support we have had from you has been overwhelming and I cannot thank you enough for continuing to buy our products online and for the positive messages you have send us to help us get through this difficult time.

Now we coming out the other side and the end is now in sight.

Shop Reopening

I am delighted to announce that our shop will be re-opening on Tuesday 30th June.  

Our opening hours will be reduced at the moment until we see how things go. We will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 11am to 2pm. 

We encourage you to use our click and collect option on our website but you will also be welcome to come and buy on the day but we won't be taking cash for the time being.

We have reorganised the layout our shop so that only 2 customers can be inside at any one time and we ask that you keep to the social distancing rules.  

Takeaway Teas and Coffees

Our full menu of teas and coffees will be available for takeaway.  We know it's not quite the same as sitting in for a gongfu cha but it will enable you to taste some of your favourites after the long lockdown.  We'll be making takeaway matcha and cold infusions too.

Packaging Free and Weighing Out Service

We're excited to be launching a new packaging free service for our 20 best sellers, where we will weigh out tea into paper bags for you to decant into your own container.  This option will also be available on our website but for collect in store only.  We won't be able to weigh directly into your container in the first instance but will review this regularly.  To encourage reduction in waste, we will be giving you a discount of £1 off your order if you chose this option.


Jon Cooper